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The Hunchback of Notre Dame Summary Samples

That which was the reason of Pierre Gringoire’s decision to call home with vagabonds in The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by Victor Hugo?

Pierre Gringoire is really a character, who's described as impatient and egotistical person. He's a playwright and a philosopher, who values himself very much and considers his life as the utmost important thing on earth. He is also an ignorant person, since he doesn’t realize how lousy is that he at being “the man of the letters” (Shmoop, n. d. ).

At the beginning of The Hunchback of Notre-Dame, the vagabonds desire to hang Gringoire, but he's saved by Esmeralda, who accepts to be his wife for four years. Later, that he joins the vagabonds and helps Frollo hand Esmeralda to the authorities.

Exactly why he joined the vagabonds is mainly as a result of his ignorance and as a result of his similarity with them. Pierre, just like the vagabonds, values himself very dearly, but, actually he is ignorant about every thing aside from himself. Frollo convinces him with philosophical arguments and tricks him in to believing he is destined to die saving Esmeralda. The vagabonds, also, have high opinion of themselves, but actually, they have no clue exactly what are they doing (SparkNotes, n. d. ).

Gringoire thinks he is so far more clever than any other person, and that belief light emitting diode him to become listed on those who wished to kill him earlier, and to help a guy who doesn’t speak the reality and has other aims in his head. Pierre permitted to be tricked easily. That he didn’t even care about Esmeralda that much, but that he immediately believed Frollo when he said that that's his destiny and that he joined the vagabonds without thinking twice.

Although he is a philosopher, Gringoire is unaware about every thing next to himself. He is a comic relief throughout the book, and his complete ignorance is something to laugh at.


SparkNotes. (n. d. ). The Hunchback of Notre-Dame. SparkNotes. Retrieved from

Shmoop. (n. d. ). The Hunchback of Notre-Dame. Shmoop. Retrieved from

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The Hunchback of Notre Dame Summary: Variant II

The Theme of Fate Revelation in the Novel The Hunchback of Notre Dame

Victor Hugo will not focus the eye of his work specifically on the theme of fate. But the destiny of the primary characters is apparently one of the essential moments that's being perceived through the intertwining plot lines compared to one another. Indeed, the reader does not initially see how the theme of fate is evolved in the plot, however , what catches the attention is the way the destiny of the characters is not predetermined, which means that the free will and the decisions of the characters is why is them have the ability to choose their fate which way, an evident claim of the fact that the fate isn't something the determines a person’s life, but the person is who decides its fate, is apparently represented.

As a matter of fact, the given statement which might aswell be refuted is were able to be traced from the beginning of the plot. Indeed, it appears that the hunchback is the person who certainly cannot easily determine its fate. Still, therefore to be true due to the natural laws of the entire situation. Quasimodo who is a “freak, ” “antisocial monster” who lives in the shadow cannot become another thing, something better in the eyes of society, who's by itself biased. This means that the biased society does not have an ability to perceive the person by its “inner” nature. But the apparent representation of a person alone is what appears to be evidently important. non-etheless, Quasimodo might as well be “good, ” as we can easily see from the story, he's got a “good” inner nature. Still, his appearance is what does occur to function as defining factor of who he is to the society. We see him as a person, and for this reason, a reader manages to be able to see compassion and sorrow for the fate of the hunchback. In this manner, it seems to be evident, that Quasimodo is the one which is not able to change his fate and because of this, the statement regarding the inflexibility of fate may aswell be refuted.

Alternatively, Quasimodo may be the one who manages to refute this statement, not in the eyes of society but the eyes of the certain characters and to begin with in the eyes of the reader. At first, the example of the hunchback is what implies the power of a person to influence the planet around by omitting certain personal drawbacks in appearance per instance. Indeed, this way, by committing unexpected by anybody, virtuous actions, the reader sees the hunchback in a completely different light of events (Enderle, Wolek & Hugo, 82). Be that as it may, the example of Quasimodo not only will not refute the original statement concerning the fact that the fate isn't something the determines a person’s life, but the person is who determines its fate, but it underlines and intensifies the meaning of the given assertion by the evident portrayal of a person who regardless of all the controversial circumstances manages to manifest its “true nature” and virtuous personality.

At exactly the same time, we see other characters of the novel who might as well seem righteous people at the beginning but at the end in addition they reveal their “true nature”, which is what makes us understand that the fate is something that cannot be preset and predetermined from the beginning, but what a person can change and influence through the duration of one’s life. Still, imagine if to reveal one’s fate and to demonstrate the fact to be able to change at least in the perception of the others is also a thing that is somehow set in the start and invariably positions the results of events? What if it had been hunchback’s fate to become this virtuous person, in the end, never to change but to manifest a capacity to change in the eyes of other, and thus to influence the truth, and appropriately fate in a single way or another. This deeper knowledge of fate is however maybe not what Victor Hugo has managed to describe in his novel, once more, as that he does not concentrate on the theme of fate. Still, this understanding of fate might as well happen as a thing that makes characters in the novel and folks, in reality, in order to influence their fate due to the reason that this has been laid in the beginning by the fate itself. In this manner, we are referring to the self-flexible fate. Still, this understanding is not considered by Hugo.

In this way, it appears to be evident that notwithstanding the fact that mcdougal of the novel doesn't set the focus of his work with the theme of fate, still, it occurs to be evident through the different side-factors including the intertwining plot lines when compared with one another. Ergo, the fate of the characters just isn't predetermined. For this reason the free will is what allows to choose. For that reason the fate is not something the determines a person’s life, nevertheless the person is who determines its fate.

Works Cited

Enderle, D., Wolek, G., & Hugo, V. (2012). Victor Hugo’s The hunchback of Notre Dame. Edina, Minn.: Magic Wagon.
Hugo, V. (1970). The hunchback of Notre Dame. Garden City, N. Y.: International Collectors Library.

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