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Original Romeo and Juliet Essay Topics

It is possible to hardly look for a person who hasn’t heard about Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet. By being assigned to write essays on this play, students are always looking for original and fresh Romeo and Juliet topics. Our essay writers prepared a list of thought-provoking, deep and intriguing themes for you to research, analyze and present in your own personal manner.

Easy Romeo and Juliet Essay Topics

  • Is Romeo and Juliet a satirical play?
  • What do you like about Romeo and Juliet?
  • Could the deaths of Juliet and Romeo be avoided?
  • What exactly is so special about the novel and the love story?
  • Compare Romeo and Juliet with Great Expectations.
  • Rank Romeo and Juliet when comparing to Shakespeare’s other plays.
  • What's the effect of the accelerated time scheme on the play?
  • How are characters developed through the play?
  • Do you know the relationships between Mercutio and Tybalt?
  • Could Romeo and Juliet be a true story?
  • What can be learned from the play?
  • What exactly is your favorite quotation from Romeo and Juliet? Explain your option and its meaning.
  • The value of the speech of Queen Mab.
  • Prove the similarity of Romeo and Juliet with the Hindi film Majnu and Laila.
  • Historical and social content in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.
  • Thinking about the length of Romeo and Juliet’s relations, can they have perfect love together.
  • The role of destiny in the play.
  • Tybalt – antagonist of the love story of Romeo and Juliet.
  • Foreshadowing in the play.
  • Dramatic purposes of Frair Laurence in Romeo and Juliet.
  • What is Mercutio memorable for?

Romeo and Juliet Analytical Essay Topics

Photo by Samueles from Pixabay

  1. Argue who is more at fault for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Is it their particular fault? The friar or the nurse’s fault? Baltazar’s fault? Explain and support with details from the writing.
  2. What exactly is the influence of Romeo and Juliet on modern youth culture?
  3. Exactly what are examples of love in Romeo and Juliet?
  4. Who is to blame for Mercutio’s death?
  5. How come Friar Laurence responsible for Romeo and Juliet’s Death?
  6. What's the moral perspective of the play Romeo and Juliet and what is it wanting to teach you? Use many examples, but also explain them.
  7. Do Romeo and Juliet love each other?
  8. What exactly is the concept of pre-determined destiny and how does it relate to the play and describe the passage of time in the novel?
  9. How is foreshadowing used in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet?
  10. How are the Capulets and the Montagues both responsible for the death of Mercutio?
  11. Can you believe what Romeo and Juliet experienced was real love?
  12. How is love portrayed in Romeo and Juliet?
  13. Will be the two young lovers maybe not entirely in charge of their tragic end in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet?
  14. Does each of the parental substitutes serve Romeo and Juliet in a positive manner? Do they fail these young lovers in any significant way?
  15. Who was simply the best role model and who was the worst?
  16. What's the role of ladies in Romeo and Juliet? Analyze two female characters and discuss how this role dictates their behavior, decisions, emotions, and so on
  17. Analyze the use of sound (through music, dialogue, ect. ) in Baz Lurhman’s movie adaptation.
  18. What's the effect of the accelerated time scheme on the play?
  19. Could Romeo and Juliet be a true story?
  20. The value of the speech of Queen Mab.
  21. The role of destiny in the play.

Romeo and Juliet Argumentative Essay Topics

Photo by anncapictures from Pixabay

  1. In a complete, well-constructed essay, argue set up Prince’s punishment is appropriate given Romeo’s crime. Be sure to make reference to the text in your response.
  2. Why should Romeo and Juliet not get married?
  3. Do Nurse and Friar Laurence do the “right thing” in their relationships with Romeo and Juliet?
  4. How did actions influence Romeo?
  5. Why are Nurse, Friar Laurence, and Balthazar to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet?
  6. How did Romeo change through the story?
  7. Are Romeo and Juliet’s actions motivated by love or lust?
  8. Can it be the teenage brain that produces them both die or is it fate?
  9. Is Romeo and Juliet a romance or tragedy?
  10. What language of love can be used by each individual to show and prove their love for just one another?
  11. Argue who is more at fault for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Is it their very own fault?
  12. Did Romeo and Juliet have free will?
  13. Which are the warning signs between Romeo and Juliet?
  14. How is revenge presented in Romeo and Juliet?
  15. What exactly is Shakespeare’s message about sacrifice in Romeo and Juliet?
  16. Is Romeo and Juliet a satirical play?
  17. What do you like about Romeo and Juliet?
  18. How are characters developed through the play?
  19. What can be learned from the play?
  20. Discuss the historical and social content in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.
  21. Discuss Tybalt – the antagonist of the love story of Romeo and Juliet.

Romeo and Juliet Expository Essay Topics

Photo by biancamentil from Pixabay

  1. Exactly why is Romeo and Juliet Not really a Love Story, but a Tragedy?

    Academic level:
    High school
    Type of paper:
    Essay (any type)
    English and Literature
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  2. Why did Romeo and Juliet die for their choices?
  3. How come the theme of love in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet the main?
  4. How come Juliet probably the most tragic character in the play?
  5. Do you know the roles of Friar Lawrence, the Nurse, and the Prince in Romeo and Juliet?
  6. Why have the selfish actions of Romeo and Juliet led to detrimental effects on other men, such as Friar Lawrence, Mercutio, and the tragic character of Tybalt?
  7. Is Shakespeare still popular because his plays explore many interesting some ideas in Romeo and Juliet?
  8. How come the play begin by offering its tragic ending?
  9. How can the mixture of fated and human-caused events help to produce a theme in Romeo and Juliet?
  10. Mercutio is considered to be certainly one of Shakespeare’s great creations, yet he is killed relatively early in the play. Why is Mercutio so memorable a character?
  11. Can Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet be described as a narrative about the conflict of love and hate?
  12. How come Romeo in charge of deaths in Romeo and Juliet?
  13. What exactly are some basic differences in values and concerns between Romeo and Juliet’s generation and their parents’ generation?
  14. In the time of Romeo and Juliet, marriage was forever. Has this concept of marriage changed in recent years? Do you accept arranged marriages? Why or why not?
  15. Which events in the first act seem most critical in creating conflicts in the plot? Which events seem to suggest a possible theme?
  16. Could the deaths of Juliet and Romeo be avoided?
  17. What is so special about the love story?
  18. Do you know the relationships between Mercutio and Tybalt?
  19. What exactly is your favorite quotation from Romeo and Juliet? Explain your option and its meaning.
  20. Look at the length of the partnership between Romeo and Juliet. Can they will have perfect love together?
  21. Discuss the dramatic purposes of Frair Laurence in Romeo and Juliet.
  22. What is Mercutio memorable for?

Romeo and Juliet Evaluation Essay Topics

  1. Is love more powerful than hate? What great irony has Juliet just begun to grasp about love and hate in Act 1 Scene five?
  2. Centered on his actions in Act 1, exactly what do you say about Romeo’s character? You have to use three quotes to guide your answer.
  3. What words could you use to explain the meeting of Romeo and Juliet?
  4. What factors caused the tragic end in Romeo and Juliet?
  5. Is Romeo and Juliet not really a story about true love, but alternatively, a warning to all teenagers about acting impulsively?
  6. Why is Act 1 Scene five of Romeo and Juliet dramatically effective?
  7. Is love in the beginning sight possible according to Romeo and Juliet?
  8. How is irony explained in Romeo and Juliet?
  9. Did Romeo and Juliet blame fate for several of the mifortune they experience?
  10. How can Shakespeare use tone and irony for impact on Marxian Heroism in the play?
  11. Does the 1996 film version of Romeo and Juliet update Shakespeare’s play or distort it?
  12. What exactly is Aristotle’s theory of tragedy and how can it affect Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet?
  13. How can Baz Luhrmann use film techniques to present the conflict within Romeo and Juliet?
  14. Exactly what are types of love shared between Romeo and Juliet?
  15. What exactly is the Nurse’s role in the death of Romeo and Juliet?
  16. Do you know the valuable lessons in the play Romeo and Juliet?
  17. How can Shakespeare’s utilization of language affect the reader’s perception of Romeo and Juliet?
  18. Is timing in Romeo and Juliet essential and what effect is there?
  19. Do you know the positive and negative characters in Romeo and Juliet?
  20. Are Romeo and Juliet maybe not accurate types of modern day teenagers?
  21. Should Romeo and Juliet be taught in highschool?

Romeo and Juliet Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

  1. Compare Romeo and Juliet to Titanic.
  2. How is the Franco Zeffirelli version of Romeo and Juliet better than the Baz Luhrmann version?
  3. Compare racial and political dilemmas in Romeo and Juliet to today.
  4. Compare the family and the individual in Romeo and Juliet.
  5. What role does desire play in The Romance of Tristan and Iseult and in The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet?
  6. Compare a coherent interpretation of the overall conflict/theme found in these different narratives: The Chrysalids, Romeo and Juliet, and Insurgent by Veronica Roth.
  7. Compare Juliet’s realtionship with the nurse and mother and what the correct realtionship between a daughter and mother should be.
  8. Compare Romeo and Juliet with Hamlet and Ophelia.
  9. Сompare the relationship between Romeo and Juliet to that particular between Damien and Junice.
  10. Assess the timeless, universal theme of young love in Romeo and Juliet to today’s teen relationships.
  11. Compare the roles of dreams in Romeo and Juliet to Of Mice and Men.
  12. How is commitment presented in Romeo and Juliet and how do the poems Valentine, A Woman to Her Lover, and Sonnet 43 assess to this portrayal?
  13. How can Shakespeare use Romeo and Juliet to show the danger of obsession? How can he contrast it with real love?
  14. Exactly what are similarities between Shakespeare’s Mid Summer Night’s Dream and Romeo and Juliet?
  15. Compare women’s roles in Romeo and Juliet, Richard III, and Taming of the Shrew.
  16. Compare the significance of youthful characters in Oliver Twist, Romeo and Juliet, The Doll’s House, and the poem The Chimney Sweeper.
  17. Compare the relationship between Romeo and Mercutio in the play based on Harold Bloom’s The Invention of the Human.
  18. Compare Romeo and Juliet to the poems Havisham and The Laboratory.
  19. Compare the Romeo and Juliet play and the 2013 movie version.
  20. Compare the Romeo and Juliet play with the 1996 movie version directed by Baz Luhrmann.
  21. So how exactly does Darcy in Pride and Prejudice reflect Romeo from Romeo and Juliet?
  22. In a few ways, the Tale of Layla and Majnun strongly resembles Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Do the two works really carry the same message?
  23. Compare the meaning of love in current times with love in Elizabethean times using Romeo and Juliet.
  24. Discuss the significance of Juliet’s allusion to Ovid’s story of Phaeton.
  25. Compare Valentine’s and Max’s relationship in The Count of Monte Cristo with Romeo and Juliet’s.
  26. Compare the love Romeo has for Rosaline to the love he's got for Juliet.
  27. Juliet’s suitor Paris is compared throughout the play to Romeo. Examine watchfully the similarities and differences between the two young men who love Juliet.
  28. Assess the two central characters in the play. How do the characters of Romeo and Juliet develop throughout the entire play? Why is these two characters fall in love with one another?
  29. Assess the characters of Tybalt and Mercutio. Discover the reasoned explanations why Mercutio hates Tybalt.
  30. Assess the parents-to-children relationships in Romeo and Juliet to those in just about any other prominent plays in English literature.
  31. Compare the character of Mercutio to any of Shakespeare’s memorable characters.
  32. Compare the way Shakespeare treats death or cessation of characters in Romeo and Juliet to what sort of dramatist treats it in his other plays.
  33. Compare the deaths of Romeo and Mercutio, Romeo and Juliet, and Mercutio and Tybalt with the legal, familial, personal, and moral issues at heart.
  34. Compare the tragic ending of Shakespeare’s heroes in Romeo and Juliet to that of his principal characters in Othello.
  35. Compare the strength and weakness of Romeo and Juliet to those of Othello and Desdemona.
  36. Assess Shakespearean young lovers together with his young heroes in the plays Hamlet, Othello, and Macbeth.
  37. How did Sri Lankan religious conflict contrast with Romeo and Juliet?
  38. Compare Romeo and Juliet with Great Expectations.

Romeo and Juliet Essay Writing Help

Don’t cry, our dear friend (free hugs, and so on)! In case you are tired of all these papers, research projects, formats, etc ., often there is a team of writers who will care for your academic assignments. EssayShark. com experts will not only allow you to find relevant Romeo and Juliet essay topics, but will also provide plagiarism-free paper samples in your needed topic, which you can use as a good example for the studies.

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