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Apply These Animal Farm Paper Topics to boost Your Essay

The satirical novel “Animal Farm” was written in February 1944. George Orwell knowingly wrote it in simple and understandable language in order that translators (especially Russian ones) could easily convey its true meaning to anybody, even to the most impaired reader. The book, comprising 10 chapters, is a classic anti-utopian work, based on real historical events that occurred in Russia from 1917 to 1944.

We've gathered “Animal Farm” literary essay topics so that you can pick the one you prefer and write a quality essay on it.

Argumentative “Animal Farm” Paper Topics

  1. How is power maintained in “Animal Farm” by George Orwell?

    Academic level:
    High school
    Type of paper:
    Essay (any type)
    English and Literature
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  2. So how exactly does our environment (our homes/communities) shape our sense of self (values/personality traits)? Include examples from the book.
  3. How is democracy shown in the story of “Animal Farm”?
  4. How is Hitler’s invasion of Russia shown in “Animal Farm”?
  5. What made the animals follow the changes in “Animal Farm”?
  6. Just how do the pigs transmogrify “Animal Farm” from the utopia to a dystopia with Squealer’s role as a political sophist, particularly in terms of the shifting commandments?
  7. Analyze the biography of George Orwell and his own personal links to the book “Animal Farm” if any.
  8. Pick quotes from the book and relate it to social studies aspects (i. e. dictatorships).
  9. Fear in “Animal Farm, ” the novel by George Orwell.
  10. The theme of “Animal Farm”: how may be the theme developed in the novel?

Discussion “Animal Farm” Topics

  1. Authors often use descriptive details to develop plot. Discuss the current weather of the plot of “Animal Farm” and how they help develop the characters, or create tension.
  2. What exactly is the theme of the book? Discuss how the theme is developed throughout the story. Give specific examples from the story (e. g. characters, plot points, language) where mcdougal developed the theme.
  3. Discuss the poet’s use of figurative language in “Animal Farm. ” Identify specific types of figurative language from the book and their meaning. What impact does the figurative language have on the theme and knowledge of the book?
  4. Discuss how the abuse of power causes three negative effects upon the animals of “Animal Farm. ”
  5. Discuss how the animals either lose or hand out their freedom. Use quotes and details from the written text to support your discussion.
  6. In chapters four and five of “Animal Farm, ” in what ways does Napoleon’s dictatorship manifest it self? Is his behavior at all justified?
  7. How is symbolism used in “Animal Farm” by George Orwell?
  8. Identify and discuss any incidents that challenge or provoke the perspectives of the characters in “Animal Farm. ”
  9. What new insights did you, as a reader and student, gain from reading “Animal Farm”?
  10. Discuss a theme from “Animal Farm” that’s true to the story and real life. The theme must make a spot.
  11. Come up with the book “Animal Farm” and that which you learned from the book.
  12. Why can freedom be harsh in the novel “Animal Farm”?
  13. From whose perspective is “Animal Farm” told? Why would Orwell have chosen this type of perspective?
  14. Exactly what are some of Orwell’s major themes here? What exactly is he wanting to tell us in this modern parable of communism and capitalism? How can he view human nature? What is Orwell’s vision of history?
  15. Propaganda in “Animal Farm.”
  16. “Animal Farm” from the Marxist perspective.
  17. How can George Orwell develop power in “Animal Farm”?
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Compare “Animal Farm” Topics to create About

  1. Compare the following themes based on the following books: “Animal Farm” by George Orwell, and “Looking Backward” by Edward Bellamy (Utopian societies). What are the most significant political some ideas or themes presented in each book?
  2. Assess Snowball and Napoleon, both to one another, the political figures they represent. What practices do they use in their struggle for power? Do either, both, or neither of them qualify as a “good leader”? Explain.
  3. Compare Tim Burton’s film “Big Fish” and George Orwell’s “Animal Farm” in terms of factual truth and lies.
  4. Compare “Animal Farm” and “The Satanic Verses. ”
  5. Assess on the main topic of character, and thus you will simply take an detailed examination of the two principals drawn here: Napoleon and Snowball.
  6. Compare power presented in “Macbeth” and “Animal Farm. ”
  7. Assess “An Artist of the Floating World” and “Animal Farm. ”
  8. Compare the historical aspects surrounding “Animal Farm” and “1984, ” such as for instance George Orwell’s previous fiction and non fiction work and their possible implications, and representing textual evidence in the form of direct citations from both novels.
  9. Compare socialism vs communism with evidence from “Animal Farm” and outside resources.
  10. So how exactly does Benjamin from “Animal Farm” and Gilgamesh from “The Epic of Gilgamesh” meaningfully inform life?
  11. Some political theorists contend that one political/economic systems, by their nature, lend themselves to scheming, corruption, and intrigue, and others usually do not. Other theorists disagree: humans, they say, are inherently fallible and will act in immoral ways whatever the political system in which they operate. They could concede that some systems are more likely to unearth or inhibit corruption and misuse of power than are the others. Think about George Orwell’s “Animal Farm” and Edward Bellamy’s “Looking Backward” in the context of the question. What do you think both authors may say about any of it? What evidence do they present in their novels about how exactly political actors behave when holding or pursuing power? More importantly, what do you think? In your response, feel absolve to cite contemporary examples or evidence.
  12. Compare journeys in “Animal Farm” and “Fahrenheit 451. ”
  13. Compare the way “Animal Farm” and “The Green Mile” use symbolism. Where does symbolism have an important impact or an important role in the books?
  14. Compare how Stalin is like Napoleon in the book “Animal Farm. ”
  15. Assess the movie and the book “Animal Farm. ”
  16. Compare “Animal Farm” by George Orwell to Nazi Germany.
  17. Compare “The Stranger” and “Animal Farm. ”

Analysis “Animal Farm” Essay Topics

  1. Analyze the effectiveness and form of propaganda utilized by Napoleon in the novel “Animal Farm. ”
  2. Analyze how Squealer and Napoleon use fear to manipulate every one of the ignorant farm animals in “Animal Farm. ”
  3. George Orwell’s “Animal Farm” is just a satiric assault on the Marxist number of fascism. What were George Orwell’s major objections to communism?
  4. Analyze the relationship involving the book and the actual events that occurred in Russia in detail.
  5. Analyze which animal is responsible for the corruption of the animal farm. Relate to the Russian revolution and which character represents which figure.
  6. Is “Animal Farm” by George Orwell still a valid allegory for the Soviet Union because it has collapsed?
  7. Who or what's at fault for the events in “Animal Farm”?
  8. Analyze how the animal farm in the book is used as symbolism to exhibit communism.
  9. Analyze George Orwell’s avoidance of social force in “Animal Farm. ”
  10. Analyze whether the focus of power in one person is good or bad in Animal Farm.
  11. Analyze the relation of societal values between “Animal Farm” and any modern historical analogue which works through social values in nature.

Explanatory Topics in “Animal Farm”

  1. Explain how the theme of greed is presented in “Animal Farm. ”

    Academic level:
    High school
    Type of paper:
    Essay (any type)
    English and Literature
    View sample
  2. When “Animal Farm” was recently published in Russia, it carried an introduction nevertheless, “This story is about the excesses of fascism. ” But could be the novel really about fascism? Could additionally, it be about Stalin’s communism? Could it be about both fascism and communism? But how could that be? Explain the concepts within the ideology, show their importance and place within the ideology, then show specifically how they relate to the novel.
  3. Explain what “All animals are equal, however, many animals are far more equal than others” is and just what it means. Use examples from “Animal Farm. ”
  4. Explain how people’s ignorance can contribute to their social oppression using examples from “Animal Farm. ”
  5. Explain how Orwell explores the issue of rhetoric in “Animal Farm. ”
  6. Explain how Napoleon seems to feel threatened by Boxer in “Animal Farm. ”
  7. Explain how the message of “Animal Farm” would come across efficiently to a person who knows nothing about the history of the Soviet Union.
  8. Explain how animals come closest to achieving Orwell’s perspective in “Animal Farm. ”
  9. Explain how the corruption of socialist ideals is presented in “Animal Farm. ”
  10. Explain how the societal tendency toward class stratification is presented in “Animal Farm. ”

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